Do you understand the knowledge in truck brake pads?

Update:04 Aug 2016

Trucks are the main force in my country's logistics and freight industry, and their driving trajectories can be anywhere in the country. For truck drivers and truck bodies, every thousand miles of transportation is a very difficult test. Because the truck's carrying tonnage is relatively large, this has greater requirements for the safety of the vehicle, and many old drivers will choose to make a fuss on the brakes of the truck. Below, truck brake pad manufacturers will explore the knowledge of truck brakes weighing dozens of tons with everyone.

The braking part that most veteran drivers first rectified and pays the most attention to must be the brake of the trailer part that carries the weight of the cargo. Because the pressure is far stronger than the strength of the front tire, the brake pads of the truck will often be generated when braking. The high temperature and thermal attenuation caused the tire to catch fire, and even accidental discovery of a flat tire. In this part of the brake treatment, truck drivers often choose to install a brake sprayer and strengthen the maintenance of the trailer tires. Before entering the long downhill section, it is best to climb under the vehicle and use the wrench or other equipment provided with the vehicle. The tool tightens the brakes and increases the braking strength to greatly improve safety and stability. Also, observe the response of the trailer tires in time during driving. If there is smoke or no water mist will rise after turning on the sprayer , Should stop and check immediately.

Another important point is that the steering wheel brakes from the front of the car. Since the early trucks were not equipped with advanced ABS or ESP body stabilization systems, due to years of truck driving experience, old drivers often choose to steer the front wheels The brakes were removed, causing the front wheels to lose braking force.

The purpose of this is to brake the truck in an emergency. If the steering wheel is locked due to the braking force, the ability to steer and avoid objects and obstacles in front will be greatly reduced, plus the semi-trailer itself It belongs to a split structure. If the brakes of the front and trailer are not synchronized, tail-flicking and "head-pushing" accidents often occur.

However, if the brake of the steering wheel is released, the driver can improve safety or the hazard of the accident through steering correction and avoidance when out of control, which is also a helpless way. And it can improve the stability during deceleration, and there is no need to worry about trucks weighing dozens of tons "floating".